Media Promotions / Branding / Place Branding

Frontrunner creates content and manages publication of special newspaper supplements, trade magazines, and promotional literature, as well as handling issues of branding, logo creation, advertising slogans, song jingles, filming and photography. We specialize in public information and public diplomacy strategies for nation branding, regional branding, and city branding. Tourist offices, national commerce offices, government ministries, NGOs, airlines, and airport authorities all benefit from Frontrunner’s knowledge of political and commercial climates.


Okinawa fan clubFrontrunner provides place branding support for Japan’s Okinawa island chain. The Okinawan islands have received bad press for decades due to the presence of U.S. military forces on the island. Frontrunner has created positive branding vehicles to promote the vast sustainable ecotourism potential of the islands, which are ideal for scuba diving, underwater photography, sailing and whale watching. The sealife in Okinawa includes schools of manta rays and migrating humpback whales. Each year, Frontrunner meets with tour operators and political figures to forge ahead with the island chain’s positive potential. 


yellowcardFrontrunner provides branding support for environmental initiatives on a grassroots as well as policy-making level. The Idle Stop Yellow Card campaign is a direct public action, awareness and media campaign aimed at reducing the pollution produced by idling passenger cars and delivery vehicles. Frontrunner has managed websites, print campaigns, political meetings, press publicity and policy-making fora to help reduce auto exhaust in Japan. More than 300 drivers have turned their car engines off at the direct requests of Idle Stop campaigners.